Friday, May 21, 2010

Nature:Nurture versus The City: gallery

Phew! Here are more photos from our show last night. A great night with our friends and families, with much to celebrate from our Year 11 and 13 BTEC Art and Design students eclectic mix of work.

Friday, May 14, 2010

Nature: Nurture v The City, Year 11 and 13 BTEC Art and Design shows

Hello, our end of year strand shows are on Thursday 20th May 4.30-8.30pm, visual arts studios, click on flyer for more information.

Following our great off site success in YBsA at The Rag Factory, off Brick Lane, East London, (reported here in East London Lines and images in our flickr gallery here) you are warmly invited to come to our Year 11 and Year 13 BTEC First and National Diploma Art and Design end of course shows, the former group has responded to the theme Nature:Nurture and the latter, The City.
Students are showcasing their Final Major Project work through a wide range of visual arts and design disciplines, from animation to painting, to video, printmaking, performance art, sculpture and fashion illustration. Year 13s will have browsers displaying their final portfolios and also sketchbooks will be accompanying the show for the Year 11s.

Hope to see you there!