Friday, July 30, 2010

Artist lead felt making workshop

This summer YR12 BTEC Nationnal Diploma Visual Arts & Design students worked with crafts-practitioner Izzy Norwood for three days to produce a series of experimental felt pieces including felt jewellery and accessories. This will feed directly into portfolios for progression.All had a great time exploring new skills.

Living Gallery 2010 at Dulwich Picture Gallery

What would you do if you knew the world was coming to an end?
Who would you save?
What would you keep?
How did the world start?
How will it end?
And what will happen when silence falls?

Living Gallery is an ambitious collaborative project between Brit School YR12 BTEC National Diploma Visual Arts & Design and Dance strand students in partnership with the Dulwich Picture Gallery. Students have explored the history of the gallery and the surrounding area as well as bringing new contemporary interpretations to the painting collections in order to produce a series of site specific artworks and physical theatre performances. The theme this year is Life and Death with a particular current of interest in the ‘end of the world’.

More photos at:

Monday, July 5, 2010

YR10 Strand's community project

For the last few months YR10 strand have been working in collaboration with children and staff from Selhurst Early Learning Centre to produce a series of 'Space' inspired children's stories and story props in the form of puppets.

This is the first time Visual Arts and Design have worked on a community project with a pre-16 group and we are very excited about devloping this after the success of this project!

See more images at: