Just before the October break the Year 13 Visual Arts and Design Strand students took a trip up to Tate Britain to visit the Turner Prize. Although this years nominees have been seen by many as not as controversial as in previous years, the work still prompted a huge response from the students including the inevitable 'What is Art?' debate. Students have used this important and thought provoking exhibition to inspire further development in both their current projects based in painting and photography. The contemporary and thematic content of the work served drive our students into questioning in moredepth the reasons behind why they are creating art and also served to help push the boundaries on how this work can be presented in a non-traditional and conceptual fashion.
Students also seemed to be completely divided on which artists work they preffered and although Lucy Skaer seemed to be quite popular, all four nominees recieved support by different students. You can make your own decisions by visiting the website
here or by making the trip up to Tate Britain yourself.

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